Monday, 25 April 2016

Term 3 Storage Devices

Statement of Inquiry-

Data storage that has evolved through technical advances in the medium of storage devices

A storage device is a device that is capable of holding data permanently or temporarily. They are core functions and components of a computer or laptop. The central processing unit, CPU, is the part of a computer that manipulates data by performing mathematical calculations.
Some storage devices are:
·       USB
·       RAM
·       CPU
·       Motherboard
·       CD

Creating a booklet about storage devices

Target audience:
To create a booklet suitable for grade 7’s

I think that the USB booklet is the most useful and suitable for grade sevens because it has lots of color and bold fonts that attract the reader’s eye. The USB stands out big on the cover page and is in a deep red, I chose the color red because it is lots of people’s favorite color, and it is very bright and eye catching. I also labeled the USB very well so that it would be easily understandable and fast for grade 7’s to learn from.

I choose the second design for my booklet. I choose the second design because it has less writing in it and it is colorful and has fast fun facts and pictures, as well as colorful writing and bold fonts. The bold and fun features of the booklet help attract the readers eye and make it more fun for the grade sevens to learn.

Fairness and Development

• Inequality, difference and inclusion
• Human capability and development; social entrepreneurs
• Rights, law, civic responsibility and the public sphere
• Justice, peace and conflict management
 • Power and privilege
• Authority, security and freedom
• Imagining a hopeful future.

Fairness is the equality of being able to judge someone while being free of discrimination and development is the act of progress or growth. These two are related as as there can be no fairness without developing quality first. For example, as kids we were taught to be fair to one and another, but to gain this quality we were reminded by teachers, parents adults and so on.

Examples of development are:
·        College
·        Developing nations
·        U.S constitution

Bullying affects 3.2 million people of this world’s population. From cyber bullying to physical or oral bullying. Not only teenagers are affected by bullying, but also adults. Although more teenagers are affected by bullying adult bullying can sometimes get more extreme. One of the biggest reasons of bullying for adults is either about looks, money or race and colour.

( "MYP Global Context." (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 19 May 2016.)