Our idea for Tech Fair, was to make/design our own movie projector, the movie projector can project images, movies, videos etc. We have a clear image about how we're going to make this project, because we have researched and found a helpful website. The product is a phone projector, we chose a phone instead of a laptop, because the bigger the device, the worse the quality of the video will get, because the magnifying glass projects it bigger, also the magnifying glass will project a 120" HD movie onto a wall or screen! To make the projector, place your device at the end of a shoebox and cut out a hole, big enough to fit the glass of the magnifying glass in it, then you can play your video and close the lid, so that the video projects clearly.
The first projector was made in August 22, 1867- June 6, 1924. It was originally invented by Charles Francis Jenkins, he was an American pioneer of the early cinema and one of the inventors of television, though he used more mechanical than technological technologies. His business included the Charles Jenkins Laboratories and Jenkins Television Corporation.
The projector helps the society by relieving stress and relaxing the viewer. Also, the projector is portable, so its easy and very light to carry around in your house, or any place else. The projector is affordable and you can make your very own easily and have a massive projection, just like being in a cinema, but you have to pay nothing compared to the theatre where you have to pay about 40 dirhams. Because the projector has almost the same quality as a movie that would be played on a cinema screen, it saves money to make it yourself and still have the same amount of fun (or more). The total amount of money that would be used would be maximum 5 Dirhams just for the magnifying glass, you will probably already have the shoe box from buying shoes, and of course if you want to download a movie it is for free, or you can stream it from YouTube. The whole point of the projector is to be a money saver, and a way to make you more comfortable and that you can select any movies of your own choice without paying because you can access You Tube. If you don't want to watch a movie and do something else, you can also very easily play any video you want from your phone. Also if students have alot of homework and need a stress reliever, they can relax in a button click, to regain their strength and continue with their homework, assessments etc.
I think that Yasamin and I researched extremely well in a very short time and found many helpful websites to inform us about the project, how much it will cost, what the quality is etc. The keywords that we used was;
*Low Budget
We didn't get our results in the first attempt, some of the projectors needed wires that you couldn't get in Dubai', or the projectors were too hard to make. So we tried searching for how to make a projector other than the one we are doing now, because we thought it was too simple. On our second attempt we found exactly what we looked for, we found relevant information and clear instructions on how to make our Tech Fair Project. Most of the You Tube videos we watched were a bit hard to understand, so we relied on websites which showed clear steps and instructions. The problems that we faced were that we wanted to make our own speaker in addition to the projector to give the movie a better sound and make it better to watch (just like in a real cinema). When we considered making the speaker we watched videos which explained how to make the speaker, but often the videos were too complicated or the materials would be hard to find or too expensive. So we are thinking of using a normal speaker, because making a DIY/homemade speaker would be too hard or too dangerous. But of course the speaker would add to the feeling of a real cinema which would make the movie (with the homemade projector) more pleasurable and relaxing and it would act more as a stress reliever.
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